Sunday, August 14, 2011

The high gas prices - gas prices always go down?

Congratulations met, gas prices average $ 4 per gallon point, with $ 138 a barrel for oil. Can you imagine an SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) drivers, I mean, they must have had heart attacks when they fill their SUVs. People who go home for lunch to feed their animals or simply to spend at least one or two hours at home are. Now these people have to cancel their daily movements, such as high gas prices. Many people cancel their trips to visit relatives because of the highGas prices. Tell me, is that correct? I do not think so.

6 years ago, spent an average driver $ 30 to fill the tank of his car, now the drivers must be at least $ 70 to spend in order to fill his tank. So the question is, should we expect for the price of gas down, or should we look for other ways?

Some experts say gas prices will increase by 20% by 2008. Some say it will drop anytime soon.

The high gas prices - gas prices always go down?

Who made ​​you think?

In my opinion, are the gas prices are not always justconsidering the fact that oil is non-renewable resource, and is lost in 50 years. In addition, there are many other factors, such as oil companies try to build monopolies, are now saving oil in order to sell them later for their own price. What I have people complaining about gas prices in progress and may not have noticed that gas prices rising daily and is not so hard to imagine that grow much higher. It really surprises I'm sure if we will hit $ 6 a gallon, the peopleremind our current prices and pray for them.

If gas prices remain at $ 4 per gallon point, the Americans could turn and make it to find other ways to produce energy to think. This is actually very good. We have already built a couple of engines that run on water and air. Practical use of water is cheap and effective.

grill2go ice

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