If you find the best price for Thermos Grill2go Don't find any site because this site the best price and free shipping my family and I very happy
- Durable and rust-resistant aluminized steel body; stainless steel burner system
- 310-square-inch Dupont Teflon nonstick cooking surface with 60% grate and 40% griddle
- Includes removable grease tray, QuickSet legs, sideshelves, tool storage, handle, and locking latch
- Built-in heat indicator, leveling arm, and igniter
- Fully assembled; measures 46 by 36 inches; 41 pounds
Thermos Grill2Go Gas Grill by Char-Broil, Red Specifications
The portable Thermos Grill-2-Go offers on-the-fly grilling for people who like speedy setup, versatile cooking surfaces, and no leaping flames. Quick and simple to assemble, the Grill-2-Go breaks down into two tidy pieces for flexible storage and easy transportation. Besides its portability, the grill has several clever features, including insertable side tables (stored inside the grill between uses), a detachable grease receptacle with stopper, and storage notches for the spatula, tongs, and cleaning comb. Thermos has looked after the details, too. Rubber bumpers protect the lid if it slips out of your hand, and a built-in level tells you whether you're cooking on sloped ground. This adaptable grill suits the menu for any time of day--try eggs on the flat griddle in the morning and T-bones on the grill at night. Works with either a small fuel tank or a large tank with hose adapter. --Emily BedardFriends Link : >>Paintball Discounters Best Luggage Sets The HItz Song Lawn Gnome Chinese Cleavers